Why do I need software when I can use manual tally sheets?
TCR Online is a series of checks & balances. When a delivery ticket is generated that information is stored in the system and must be edited to be sure what was on the original ticket agrees with what equipment was actually left. This assures you accurate billing.
How easy is it to use?
Because it was designed by a barricade rental company, TCR Online is very intuitive and easy to use. The screen designs are very clean and easy to read and understand.
We have many sales tax options in our area, how do you handle that?
Through our program we have several sales tax options. Some customers tax their jobs from “point of origin” which is their yard while others tax jobs at “point of destination”. Either way is no problem for us as handling multiple tax codes is a snap.
How do I pay?
With TCR Online we offer a monthly billing fee based on the modules you need as well as the number of users. This frees up your capital for other larger equipment purchases.
We are small and don’t think we need software. Why should we buy TCR Online?
All companies both big and small have the same issues. They want to track the equipment they put out in the field and be sure they bill for everything. Our software allows you to do that easily and with our modules small companies can start with our Basic Program and add the other features later as they need them.
Does TCR Online have a way to keep track of jobs that need Servicing?
TCR has a report that lists all of the jobs needing service and does it by zone so your employees are not crisscrossing all over town. We also have another report to help you keep track of any permits that are expiring.
What kind of training do you give?
We at TCR Software pride ourselves on our outstanding training. Before you go online, we work with your administrator to get your customers, equipment, and pricing loaded into the system. During the online training, we work with other key personnel that will be using the software showing them all the features they will use in their daily activities. At the end of the training period your employees will be entering in live data on the system and be able to enter in jobs and navigate the system. We are never more than a phone call away to answer a question.
How secure is the server where my data is stored?
TCR Software is contracted with Amazon Cloud Services, a leader in web hosting, who provides high-tech, dedicated servers in a state-of-the-art, secure data center, 24/7 monitoring, uninterruptible power supplies and nightly backups. We also have an SSL (secure socket layer) Certificate that encrypts your data being sent over the Internet.